Tuesday 26 January 2016

Must Read:She Insists She Would Marry Him By All Means And Destroy His Home

This is a true story. A friend needs urgent help and I am hoping this topic will make the front page so that people can give their candid advice. In the next few weeks a friend’s brother would be walking down the aisle with a woman who may have gone diabolical just to ensure she marries a man who already has children and is desperate to ruin him.Her first attempt was to visit his country home(village) sometime in 2014 when he returned from overseas to attend his brothers wedding under the guise of being a guest.

The lady who is almost what you call an +++ size,resides in the northern part of the country and has lived as a high class society girl moving from one chieftain to another in the past 15 years and is almost nearing 50. The guy in question is about 43 years and has children who are slightly above around years old married to a beautiful wife and all based abroad. One of her friends sold the idea to his brother that this Miss. X was desperately looking for a man to push contracts for her and collaborate when it comes to carrying out the contracts and sharing the dividends. His brother was willing and made himself available.
In few days of meeting the lady,he informs his parents that he has decided to leave his wife and kids abroad and get married to this lady Miss. X.The same lady has orchestrated that he comes back to Nigeria and start selling articles for him via car booth sales and abandon his family abroad which he has done. As we speak he now sells things for her and abandoned his job overseas.She has also proposed that he would no longer be in talking terms to his immediate family including his parents, so in the past nine months he longer relates with his family. He avoids all their calls and can only be reached through the Miss. X
His brother has also has stepped on a lot of toes all in the bid of insisting he must settle down with her. A faux traditional wedding was done for her where only villagers came around without any body from the city attending and even the groom was confused on how a woman of such clout could conduct such an event,as people said they were tired of attending her many traditional weddings that had occured in the past.
Miss. X has gone ahead to threaten his family members that anyone who does not align with the marriage would be seriously dealt with. The story is longer than is presented. Please what do you think the family can do at this time,as it seems that she is hell bent on ruining this man’s life. Remember he is happily married with kids. Even his wife is confused as to how this issue has delved to this deep extent.

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